All About Yin
Discover the Transformative Power of Yin Yoga
In our fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness becomes increasingly precious. Yin Yoga offers exactly that—a chance to slow down, go deeper, and nurture both body and mind. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, this profound practice invites you to hold poses, “shapes” as they are called in Yin, for 3-5 minutes or longer, creating space for deep healing and renewal.
Yin Yoga teaches us one of life's most valuable skills: the ability to be present with whatever arises. In each shape, you have the opportunity to witness your experience without judgment—whether it's a physical sensation, a passing thought, an emerging emotion or all of these! This practice of mindful awareness extends far beyond the mat, supporting how we navigate life's ups and down.
Why is Yin Yoga different from other styles of yoga?
While many yoga styles focus on building muscular strength and flexibility, Yin Yoga works differently. By holding poses longer, we access and nourish the body's connective tissues—such as the fascia, joints, and ligaments that support our everyday movements. This gentle yet powerful practice perfectly complements more dynamic forms of exercise, bringing balance to your overall wellness routine.
Yin Yoga Poses (shapes) look something like restorative yoga poses, how are they different?
The actual poses are different from completely relaxed/supported poses in a restorative practice. Propping is up to each individual, and poses can be more physically challenging to hold.
Why is it beneficial to practice yoga (in general in community)?
We can find community in stillness, and this can be powerful in a Yin Yoga practice. While each person's journey is deeply personal, the shared experience creates a supportive environment for exploration and growth. Here, you're encouraged to honor your body's unique expression of each shape, letting go of "shoulds" and embracing where you are today. This acceptance fosters a healthier, more compassionate relationship with your body and those around you, as you cultivate the Art of Being Still.
How does Kim feel about teaching Yin Yoga?
Teaching Yin Yoga brings me so much joy because of the impact the practice has had on my life and the lives of my students. Join me on the mat to experience the transformative effects of Yin Yoga for yourself. Your body—and mind—will thank you.