
All About Yin
Discover the Transformative Power of Yin Yoga
In our fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness becomes increasingly precious. Yin Yoga offers exactly that—a chance to slow down, go deeper, and nurture both body and mind. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, this profound practice invites you to hold poses, “shapes” as they are called in Yin, for 3-5 minutes or longer, creating space for deep healing and renewal.
Yin Yoga teaches us one of life's most valuable skills: the ability to be present with whatever arises. In each shape, you have the opportunity to witness your experience without judgment—whether it's a physical sensation, a passing thought, an emerging emotion or all of these! This practice of mindful awareness extends far beyond the mat, supporting how we navigate life's ups and down.

It’s not about the “difficult” poses
Did you know…
About a third of those signed up for yoga teacher training don’t plan on teaching - they simply want to deepen their personal practice
Yoga teacher training builds self-esteem
Our training is divided up in to four parts:
The practice of yoga asana, pranayama and meditation within your own experience and the ability to communicate “how to” to someone else
Anatomy and physiology and the connection to the physical practice and the systems of the body
History and philosophy of yoga, where it comes from and how it intersects with our present lives
Finding and developing our own voice
Yoga teacher training is a long-term commitment that, for many, changes the course of their lives
Join Betsy to learn more about our 200 hour yoga teacher training program on Sunday, July 14 at 11AM.
Please RSVP!

The magic of teacher training
Did you know…
About a third of those signed up for yoga teacher training don’t plan on teaching - they simply want to deepen their personal practice
Yoga teacher training builds self-esteem
Our training is divided up in to four parts:
The practice of yoga asana, pranayama and meditation within your own experience and the ability to communicate “how to” to someone else
Anatomy and physiology and the connection to the physical practice and the systems of the body
History and philosophy of yoga, where it comes from and how it intersects with our present lives
Finding and developing our own voice
Yoga teacher training is a long-term commitment that, for many, changes the course of their lives
Join us this week to learn more about our 200 hour yoga teacher training program
Please RSVP!

Cultivating Curiosity
Cultivating Curiosity by learning something new, understanding and seeing something in a different way, and contemplating different views on the same thing forms and deepens connection - a vital step towards healing in a post-pandemic world. Yoga teacher training allows students to cultivate curiosity in a way that will heal and inspire. So many of us need this kind of immersive learning and community-creating experience now more than ever. Read on to learn more about how yoga teacher training supports cultivating curiosity! We hope you’ll join us for teacher training this fall!

self care as we spring ahead
A simple spring ahead can rattle us, but with a little self care we can help ourselves to navigate back on track.

knock down to build up
The closing of Yoga Haven in March of 2020 was a deep loss. But the dust has settled, and it is now time to get back up and once again make our way to the starting line. We had to knock down and deconstruct in order to arrive at this moment, ready to build back up and begin anew. This week was BIG. Demolition started in what will be our new sacred community space. As we tear down what was, we make room, and the creative energy starts to flow again. Paint colors are being chosen, people are (re)connecting, ideas are flowing, and with all of this a greater sense of hope, love, and joy rises above the rubble. We’ll see you at the finish line.

(re)creating our “third place”
With widespread pandemic restrictions in our rear view, we are recreating Yoga Haven to serve as a beautiful, nurturing, and nourishing “third place” for our beloved community. We will come together again to practice, share, celebrate, commiserate, and simply breathe the same air. We can’t wait.