Patricia Wahl

Functional Movement Coaching, GCFT, CYT

Patricia is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and offers one-to-one Functional Integration® lessons, as well as group functional movement lessons (ATM®). She enjoys empowering her students to learn how to connect their movement habits to their current state of feeling.

Using The Feldenkrais Method®, which employs the power of neuroplasticity, she has helped people of all ages to improve their posture & balance, decrease chronic pain & stress, improve body awareness & proprioception, as well as improve mobility and flexibility. Her lessons target the nervous system (brain) and muscles and help students create new neuropathways for long-lasting change.

Some of the conditions Patricia has assisted clients with:

  • Neuro-muscular pain & dysfunction

  • neurological disorders (stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, MS)

  • scoliosis

  • degenerative joint disease

  • anxiety

  • poor body awareness and coordination

  • poor posture or breathing

  • recovering from injury

  • aging gracefully

Yoga Haven Discount: 10% off of a package of 10 lessons for Yoga Haven students


Contact Patricia for more information and to schedule an appointment

Phone (917) 420-0615
Hours By appointment only - please call or email Patricia to book your appointment